Sunday, April 26, 2015

Curried Chicken Salad

Omigosh Omigosh Omigish!

So I have been forcing myself to stay away from the pre-made lunch section at Trader Joe's.  Why?  Because I cannot resist the Curried Chicken Salad.  It is soooooo yummy, but not cheap and rarely do I portion it out into more than one serving (Yep I eat that whole thing, sometimes before I get home from the store!).

I hit that craving meltdown point this weekend where literally every thought was about that damn chicken salad.  So I researched a few recipes and finally came up with one that to be honest, is so darn close I won't ever need to buy it again.

And now for the recipe share!

Quick note - I rarely measure exact amounts unless I am baking, so use this as a start and adjust to taste.

Curried Chicken Salad

6 oz chopped up chicken breast
2-3 tbsp plain greek yogurt
handful of diced green onions
1 stalk chopped celery
1/4 cup raisins
handful shaved carrot
2 tsp honey
1 tbsp ground tumeric
2-3 tbsp curry powder (to taste, I like the extra kick with more)

Mix it all in a bowl and EAT!  Works on sandwiches or with crackers at a party.
